Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Standard Versi-dry® Lab Soakers

Thousands of Thirsty Cells™ quickly absorb spills and cushion breakable labware.

  • Paper with polyethylene backers
  • Absorbs 750mL/sq. meter
  • Use as a tray, drawer/shelf liner, or to wipe up spills
  • Skid-resistant, waterproof & chemical-resistant
  • Priced 2 rolls per case; sold in case lots only
Item # Description Catalog Pg. Price Add to Cart
20" W x 300' L Roll Nalgene™ Standard Versi-dry® Lab Soakers
Item 76060
422.26/Case of 2 Rolls
Save 5% when you buy 2+
Save 10% when you buy 4+
Save 15% when you buy 12+
422.26/Case of 2 Rolls