ProChem® ClamShell Funnels

Transfer chemicals safely and efficiently from DOT pails, jerricans, and buckets into Gemini® and ProChem® storage tanks, IBCs, drums, or any other container with an 8” or smaller opening with these clamshell funnels. Constructed from durable, lightweight linear polyethylene, each funnel is highly chemical resistant, and the black color hides dirt and stains. The scalloped clamshell design features integral molded-in ridges to direct flow toward the tank opening and help reduce splashing. The molded-in top internal rim flange reduces the further potential for splashing. The smooth inner surface allows for efficient product flow from the pail or bucket into the tank and easy clean-up after filling. Integral molded-in support lugs securely hold the funnel in place once installed while allowing for easy removal when finished. An optional funnel cover is available to contain residue and odors, and the optional lanyard attaches the lid to the funnel; both are sold separately. Perfect for liquid waste collection, these low-cost funnels are excellent to keep on hand for this and many other applications.

  • Polyethylene funnel & cover
  • Molded-in ridges, top internal rim flange, nozzle & support lugs
  • Smooth inner surface for efficient flow & easy clean-up
  • Black color to hide dirt & stains
  • Lightweight, durable & highly chemical resistant
  • Easy to install, use & remove
  • Low cost
  • Cover & lanyard sold separately
Item # Description Catalog Pg. Price Add to Cart
ProChem® ClamShell Black Polyethylene Funnel for Drums with 2" Lid Opening
Item 18822
Save 5% when you buy 2+
Save 10% when you buy 4+
Save 15% when you buy 12+
ProChem® ClamShell Black Polyethylene Funnel for IBCs with 4" to 6" Lid Opening
Item 18823
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Save 15% when you buy 12+
ProChem® ClamShell Black Polyethylene Funnel for Tanks with 8" Lid Opening
Item 18824
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Save 10% when you buy 4+
Save 15% when you buy 12+
ProChem® ClamShell Black Polyethylene Funnel Cover
Item 18825
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Save 10% when you buy 4+
Save 15% when you buy 12+
Lanyard for ProChem® ClamShell Funnel & Cover
Item 18826
Save 5% when you buy 2+
Save 10% when you buy 4+
Save 15% when you buy 12+