Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Polysulfone Dilution Bottles with Caps

These are the most transparent and most accurate dilution bottles, and they resist bases, weak acids, and all aqueous solutions. *Note: Autoclaving, when used with Tween, will reduce the life of this dilution bottle.

  • Polysulfone bottle
  • Polypropylene linerless cap
  • Graduations at 90mL & 99mL (accurate to ± 1mL)
  • Leakproof
  • *Autoclavable
  • Temperature range: -100°C to 165°C
Item # Description Catalog Pg. Price Add to Cart
6 oz./200mL Nalgene™ Polysulfone Dilution Bottle with 28mm Cap
Item 69005
Save 5% when you buy 12+
Save 10% when you buy 24+
Save 15% when you buy 72+
6 oz./200mL Nalgene™ Polysulfone Dilution Bottle with 38mm Cap
Item 69006
Save 5% when you buy 12+
Save 10% when you buy 24+
Save 15% when you buy 72+