TALON™ Low VOC Clear Heavy-Duty PVC Cement

TALON™ low VOC clear heavy-duty PVC Cement is medium-setting for use through 12" diameter schedule 40 & schedule 80 PVC pressure pipe and through 16" diameter non-pressure pipe. TALON™ heavy-duty PVC cement is recommended for potable water, pressure pipe, conduit, and a one-step solvent weld cement for Drain, Waste, and Vent (DWV) pipe and fittings in non-pressure applications in sizes up to 4" where acceptable by local code. Our drip-free formula keeps cement on the dauber in overhead installations.

  • Drip-free formula
  • Low VOC & quick-setting
  • Up to 12" pressure pipe
  • Excellent one-step cement for DWV
  • Application temperature range: 10°F (-12°C) to 120°F (49°C).
  • NSF listed
  • Meets ASTM D2564, F3328-18 & AQMD 1168/316A stds. in California South Coast & BAAQMD Method 40
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Quart  TALON™ Low VOC Clear Heavy-Duty PVC Cement
Item 25735
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