ProChem® High-Temperature Tanks are designed for chemical storage, including many organic chemicals, surfactants, plating solutions, and many other aggressive chemicals, and offer flexibility for various applications. The stiff polypropylene material is rated for storage at elevated temperatures and will not impart any taste or odor to the tank's contents. Sidewall support is recommended for rectangular tanks at temperatures above 100°F continuous and all tanks with a sidewall height of over 12” to eliminate sidewall deflection. Fiberglass casings are available by special order to protect the tank from damage and to reinforce the wall in high-temperature applications; call us for a quote.
- Polypropylene
- One-piece molded, seamless construction
- Translucent for viewing level of liquid
- Limited impact resistance
- Specific gravity: 1.9
- Wall thickness: 1/8"
- Dimensions: 14" L x 10" W x 10" Hgt.
- Maximum temperature: 220°F
- Meets FDA & USP Class VI standards
- Cover is included