Weiler® Roughneck® Stringer Bead Wheels
Weiler® Roughneck® Stringer Bead Wheels

Weiler® Roughneck® Stringer Bead Wheels

Roughneck® stringer bead wheels are the standard for high-performance weld cleaning brushes. Narrow face brushes are suitable for cleaning root and hot passes and reaching into corners.

  • Steel or stainless steel
  • The most effective weld cleaning tools for demanding users
  • Brushes are manufactured to the most stringent quality standards
Item # Description Catalog Pg. Price Add to Cart
4" Dia. x M10x1.25 Arbor Hole Roughneck® Steel Stringer Bead Wheel
Item 15976
Save 5% when you buy 5+
Save 10% when you buy 10+
Save 15% when you buy 30+
Internet Only
4" Dia. x M10x1.25 Arbor Hole Roughneck® Stainless Steel Stringer Bead Wheel
Item 15977
Save 5% when you buy 5+
Save 10% when you buy 10+
Save 15% when you buy 30+
Internet Only