Whitlam Heavy-Duty PVC White Low VOC Heavy-Bodied Cement

This heavy-duty, low VOC PVC cement is a custom blend PVC solvent weld cement that allows for an improved appearance in PVC pipe assembly. The white color creates a blending effect for the pipe and fitting, making a cleaner finish for the installer's job. The medium setting cement is for use through 12" (30.48 cm) diameter Sch. 40 & Sch. 80 PVC pressure pipe and 16" (40.64 cm) diameter non-pressure pipe. It is suitable for use as a One-Step Solvent Weld Cement for Drain, Waste, and Vent (DWV) pipe and fittings in non-pressure applications in sizes up to 4" (10.16 cm), where it is acceptable by local code. A drip-free formula keeps cement on the dauber in overhead installations and can be applied at all temperatures.

  • Heavy-bodied, medium-set cement with white pigment for fabricated look & finish
  • One-step, drip-free formula
  • A partial set takes approximately 20 seconds
  • A full cure takes 24 hours
  • Dauber top can for applying
  • Meets ASTM D2564
  • Pressure range use up to 300 psi with liquids
  • Temperature range: 10°F to 120°F
  • Carries NSF seal for Potable Water, DWV & SW systems
  • Item cannot ship via air freight of any kind
Item # Description Catalog Pg. Price Add to Cart
Quart Heavy-Duty White Low VOC Heavy-Bodied PVC Cement
Item 18698
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